In September last year, Cáritas Beja saw its project "I'm so close you can't see me" approved, precisely focused on helping the homeless. Within the scope of this project, "from January until now", Caritas has found "279 individuals" without a home, so when compared to 2020 "it has increased a lot", said Maria do Carmo Gonçalves.

According to data from Cáritas Diocesana de Beja, of the 279 people found this year, "252 people were assisted", and currently, "68 people are being accompanied more directly".

The project aims to attend, accompany and integrate people in situations of vulnerability or risk, and homeless people and most cases involve men, mostly Portuguese citizens, but also migrants looking for work in the Alentejo municipality, who for not having anywhere to live end up sleeping in the street.

In a statement, Cáritas de Beja recalled that the survey to describe this population in 2020, published on the website of the National Strategy for the Integration of Homeless People (ENIPSSA), revealed that the vast majority of homeless people are living in Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML).