Of the more than 360 million tonnes of plastic produced annually, 13 million go directly into the sea. For the current production of plastic, there are 17 million barrels of oil.

It is necessary to reduce the use of plastic from the source, but we also needs to improve the way we manage the waste we produce. Only 9 percent of all plastic waste has been recycled worldwide. 12 percent of the waste was incinerated and the rest, 79 percent, accumulates in landfills, dumps or in the environment.

The European Commission has decided to handle the problem and proposes measures against disposable plastics. The idea is even to ban plastic from various objects of daily use, especially cotton swabs, cutlery, plates, straws, drink stirrers and sticks for plastic balloons, because all of these can already be produced exclusively from raw materials of renewable sources. In addition to these products, disposable containers for food and drinks are also being targeted by the European Commission.

In addition, the European Commission had also proposed to increase the collection of disposable plastic bottles for drinks, expecting it to reach 90 percent in 2025. To reach this value, it is possible to resort to the refund of deposits. This practice is, common in several European countries, in which it is desired to obtain recovery rates for glass, metal and even plastic.

How to reduce plastics in our home?

  • Not use disposable products, such as razor blades, plastic plates, cotton swabs, etc
  • Avoid buying bottled water. It is better to reuse a bottle
  • Choose brands that use recycled plastic
  • Recycle! Whatever the packaging material, there is always a container - yellow, green or blue - waiting to receive it.

Count on Deco Algarve support: telephone contacts: 289 863 103 or email: deco.algarve@deco.pt

It is also possible to schedule Skype appointments

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IMAGE: https://www.ecolife.zone/reducing-single-use-plastics/


Paula Martins is a fully qualified journalist, who finds writing a means of self-expression. She studied Journalism and Communication at University of Coimbra and recently Law in the Algarve. Press card: 8252

Paula Martins