According to the website Our World in Data , since last week, Portugal has dropped in the number of new cases per million inhabitants to 32.29, a far cry from the worst-off country, Cyprus, with an average of 499 new cases daily.

In relation to the average number of deaths per million inhabitants attributed to covid-19 in the last seven days, Portugal increased slightly in the last week from 0.17 to 0.21, equal to Finland and four hundredths above Denmark, which is the country with the lower average.

Despite falling in number of new daily cases per million inhabitants, Cyprus is the country of the European Union (EU) with the highest value in this indicator, being at 499, followed by Sweden (483.6), the Netherlands (438.6), Lithuania (427.5) and Croatia (324.4).

Croatia, with 9.99 new daily deaths per million inhabitants attributed to covid-19 in the last seven days, is the member state with the worst situation in this indicator, followed by Bulgaria (8.9), Greece (7.8), Poland (7.3) and Slovakia (6.6).

With regard to vaccines, Malta has 25 percent of its population fully vaccinated, Denmark and Lithuania about 14 percent and Portugal 10.84 percent, the same EU average.