More than 260 infractions were detected and one person was detained during a “special operation” by the GNR, on Highway 6 (A6) and on Estrada Nacional 4 (EN4), in the district of Évora.

In a statement, the GNR Territorial Command of Évora indicated that the operation, carried out on Friday, made it possible to detect 261 infractions, most of them road traffic, while also arresting a driver for presenting a blood alcohol rate equivalent to a crime.

According to the GNR of Évora, this “special crime prevention operation”, which mobilized a total of 100 officers, aimed at “the prevention and combat of violent crime and road inspection”.

88 infractions were for speeding, while there were 90 infractions against the Highway Code, 18 against regulatory legislation and 47 against complementary legislation.

Two records were also raised to the tax on vehicles (ISV), another two to the regime of goods and circulation (RBC), four for environmental administrative offenses and six for consumption of narcotics, they said.

The operation included police from the Territorial Detachments of the Territorial Command of Évora, the Transit Detachment, the Intervention Detachment, the Fiscal Action Detachment of Évora, in addition to the collaboration of Brisa, the A6 concessionaire.