According to data published by Eurostat, Portugal ranked fifth among the 27 Member States, with a share of 34 percent.

With a share of 60.1 percent, Sweden was the country in the EU block that had the highest gross final consumption of renewable energy in 2020, exceeding its national target by 11 p.p. This is followed by Finland and Latvia, which achieved shares of 43.8 percent and 42.1 percent, respectively.

Portugal (34 percent) occupies the fifth place in the table of Member States with the highest share of energy from renewable sources, having exceeded the national target of 31 percent.

At the other end of the scale, the lowest gross final consumption of energy from renewable sources was registered in Malta (10.7 percent), Luxembourg (11.7 percent) and Belgium (13 percent).

When analysing the national targets of the 27 EU Member States, only France has not reached their national target of 24 percent that was set for 2020, leaving a gross final consumption of renewable energy of 19.1 percent, 3.9 pp below the target set.