The announcement comes after news that Germany will vote against the proposal at the next Council of Environment Ministers of the European Union (EU), which takes place next Tuesday.

According to the same association, these five countries propose a 100% reduction in emissions only in 2040, and 90% in 2035 in the case of light passenger cars and 80% in the case of light goods.

Zero warns that, if Germany’s decision is also considered, “the block position of these countries could even determine the failure of the ambition to ban the sale of combustion cars from 2035, which is an axis in the European Ecological Pact.”

In this way, the environmental association argues that “Portugal has thus positioned itself at the tail end of the decarbonisation of the road transport sector”, which has been responsible, since 2019, for 28% of polluting gas emissions in the country, according to data from the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA).

The Portuguese government's position is in line with that of the Automobile Association of Portugal (ACAP), which told ECO/Capital Verde that it was against a total ban on the sale of these cars, arguing that the discussion should only resume in 2028. At that time, a status report should also be made “on the state of the charging network as well as the various technological solutions”, added the same source.