Speaking to Lusa agency, the mayor of Grândola, António Figueira Mendes (CDU), did not quantify the reduction in the supply of beds assumed by the developers, since “this detail has not yet been reached”, but highlighted that it will be “significant”.

“The idea we have is that everyone is in agreement with this decrease”, which “is in their own interest, and I believe that we will have a good percentage of reduction”, commented the mayor.

In a statement, the municipality revealed that it had met with the promoters of tourist developments in specific areas of the coastal strip in the municipality.

The meeting took place last week and brought together “the eight” promoters of tourist developments, “to be transparent” for all those involved, said the mayor.

Rethinking projects

According to the city council, the meeting aimed to sensitise entrepreneurs “to the need to rethink their projects, with a view to reducing the number of tourist beds [and] implementing measures that contribute to the sustainable growth of the region, respecting population, nature and the environment”.

Figueira Mendes told Lusa that the meeting resulted “in a joint commitment, with a view to significantly reducing the number of tourist beds”.

The municipality clarified that “the reduction in the number of tourist beds” will be applied to projects that are “in the construction phase or in the licensing process”, covered in Municipal Territorial Plans approved before the entry into force of the Regional Planning Plan of the Alentejo Coast Territory (PROTA - 2010).

Protecting water supplies

The “defence of water resources” was also unanimously welcomed, namely through the “implementation of seawater desalination solutions” for irrigation of golf courses and green areas, added the mayor.

“It's also an environmental issue, because we want sustainable tourism in the county. The situation has changed, from an environmental point of view, and we want to follow this evolution,” he said.

The mayor argued that “it was with great satisfaction” that the municipality realised that “on the part of the promoters, there is a great adhesion”.

“Touristic and real estate investment must be based on the sustainable growth of our municipality” and, to benefit citizens and their quality of life, “it must respect the environment, water resources, the landscape and prevent the risks of climate change ”, said Figueira Mendes.

The municipality also recalled that “the process of amending the Municipal Master Plan (PDM) is under way and being finalised”, which will establish “tighter rules for tourist and real estate investment” in the municipality.