The survey — based on 3,356 responses from users of the Euroticket Meal Edenred card — reveals that “90% of Portuguese people now expect a healthier offer from restaurants, with fresh products, clear nutritional information, clear indication of a “healthy option” on the menu, vegetarian and/or vegan options and more salads”, according to the Barómetro FOOD 2022.

This situation is reflected in the type of restaurants that people are now looking for: 49% of those responsible for establishments, in the last year, registered an increase in the demand for healthy/balanced meals, with a large majority of restaurants (91%) already offering healthier/balanced options on their menus, including vegetarian/vegan dishes.

A large majority of respondents (88%) are equally concerned about food waste and 91% would like to know which restaurants act against waste. On the restaurant side, 64% say they have already implemented this type of measure. “Packaging to take leftovers, adapting the menu or recipes, stock management, partnerships with apps or services to combat waste and partnerships with food banks are the most common actions.”