“We can say that we must improve [the fight against corruption], and that is what we are all doing with this anti-corruption mechanism, which has strengthened powers”, she said.

The Minister of Justice highlighted the importance of the creation of MENAC and also the role of the Council for Prevention of Corruption (CPC).

“It should be noted that the CPC, which has developed work over these 14 years, has been absolutely fundamental in raising awareness and issuing recommendations, but the MENAC that is now being instituted is a mechanism with more reinforced powers," she said.

For the Minister of Justice, corruption must also be fought by society, which is “affected as a whole” on a daily basis.

“The phenomenon of corruption affects society as a whole, it affects the distribution of wealth, it affects social cohesion, it affects trust in institutions, it affects democracy as a whole and, therefore, we must all fight this phenomenon”, she said.