This decision by the Minister of Culture, Pedro Adão e Silva, annuls the measure taken by his predecessor, Graça Fonseca, during the pandemic crisis, to increase the quota to 30%.

Asked about this matter, the office of the Minister of Culture told Lusa that "the change in the minimum quota threshold from 25% to 30% occurred in a very specific context of a pandemic".

"Once this period has passed, the minimum quota of 25% of Portuguese music on national radio stations is in force, a measure that has proved to be very important since its creation, so much so that today, in most radio stations, the use of Portuguese music tends to exceed, by editorial choice, the value of the quota", he added.

Launched at the beginning of the month by Rogério Charraz and José Fialho Gouveia, the petition has over 2,200 signatures, among which are several important names in the national music scene.

Fernando Tordo, Luísa Sobral, Rui Veloso, Dino D'Santiago, Teresa Salgueiro, Júlio Resende, Manuel Paulo, Cristina Branco, Luís Represas, Marco Rodrigues, Luís Trigacheiro, Selma Uamusse and Ricardo Ribeiro are some of the musicians who demand an increase in quotas mandatory minimums of Portuguese music, "as a sign of recognition of the work of Portuguese musicians who have given so much to the country".

In the text of the petition, they also recall that the Radio Law, which has been in force since 2006, allows amounts of up to 40% for generalist channels.

The document comes after the artists became aware of the non-renewal of the ordinance that increased the mandatory minimum quota of Portuguese music on radios from 25% to 30%, reported by Jornal de Notícias at the end of February, with the justification that "exceeded the pandemic emergency, Portuguese artists are no longer deprived of giving concerts and, therefore, the substantial loss of income they suffered has ceased to be verified".