At the same time, domestic producer prices for manufactured goods were 7.8% higher on average in April 2023 compared with a year earlier, while producer prices for exported goods fell by 1.2%.

Producer prices for food products rose by 0.8% in the year leading up to April 2023, while the Food Products, Beverages & Tobacco index had an increase of 1.1%.

Some of the largest shifts in producer prices for food products included Fruit & Vegetables, which increase by 17.8% from April 2022 to 2023, while Fish & Fish Products rose by 14.7%. Grain, Milling, Starches & Animal Feeds rose by 8.7%, while Dairy Products saw an increase of 6.8%.

The most notable changes in other sections from April 2022 to April 2023 include Other Non-Metallic Mineral Products like glass, cement and stone, which rose by 11.7%, Beverages increase 9.6%, Wearing Apparel inflated by 8.8% and Wood & Wood Products saw a rise of 6.8%.