This value is estimated for the first six months after the birth of the baby, compared to the period before pregnancy, and is essentially due to “the 52% increase in expenditure in the retail sector, 36% in health, 16% in electricity and gas and 9% in water”, specified the INE.

Education expenses, on the other hand, increase after the child is six months old.

INE crossed administrative data from various sources, namely invoices declared with the IRS, to verify what changes in the pattern of expenditure of families with the birth of the first child.

In the six months after birth, expenses with transport are reduced by 34% and expenses with accommodation and catering are cut by 31%, “recovering only on the child's first birthday”.

Expenses begin to increase after the fourth month of pregnancy, increasing in the three months prior to the birth, in which expenditure is, on average, 16.8% higher than expenditure levels prior to pregnancy.

“In the month of birth, household expenditure peaks, being on average 19.7% higher in the first six months after birth”, reads the document.

The increase in expenses from the fourth month of pregnancy onwards is mainly due to retail purchases.