These positions were conveyed by António Costa at the end of his interview with TVI, after he questioned the Democratic candidate’s victory in the US presidential election.

“I hope that with the election of Joe Biden the transatlantic relationship can be reborn, which is particularly important for a country like Portugal, precisely with its Atlantic dimension that the autonomous regions provide, having a unique relationship with the United States of America within Europe. So I think this is an opportunity,” he said.

For António Costa, “both the relationship between Europe and the United States and the fact that Joe Biden said that on the first day of his mandate he would return to the Paris Agreement, obviously giving a boost to all those who perceive that climate change is really the highest priority for the livelihood of humanity.

“When Joe Biden says he wants to make a major global convention for the defence of democracy, the fight against corruption, totalitarianism, the promotion of human rights, that is good news. When [Joe Biden] wants to take up a multilateral vision - and hopefully the United States will return to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - I think this is good news for the world,” he added.