The theme of the book is an appreciation of Portugal and the Bombeiros. The community has come together to collaborate on the book with a mixture of materials such as stories, poems and photos which have been collated by resident Tony Wyld.

The fantastic contributions are from more than 50 people, made up of 11 different nationalities including Portuguese, with ages ranging from six to ninety years old. Financial support for printing costs has kindly been given by local businesses in Vale da Telha and Aljezur, enhanced by extra contributions from Amovate, Vale da Telha and Sweet Feet Foot Care, Lagos.

Tony added, “I have been amazed at the wonderful contributions from all these willing people who have given their time or financial support to help us produce this one-of-a-kind book called ' Portugal Partilhado e Lembrado’”.

The book costs 10 euros will all the money raised going directly to the Bombeiros of Aljezur. It is a limited edition and would make for a lovely Christmas present. Out of the 200 copies, 140 have already been sold so please do be quick if you would like a copy in support of the firefighters.

The copies can be purchased at the following places: Farmácia Aljezur and at Almae e Sorte Aljezur as well as the Quiosque in Vale de Tela.

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Client;

Alternatively, if you are unable to reach Aljezur but would like nonetheless to support this worthy initiative, you can contact Tony Wyld at and he will post you a copy.

The group looks forward to presenting the cheque to the Bombeiros of Aljezur in January.