In a statement, the AMN advises permanent surveillance of children, who must “always be close to an adult”, classifying as risk behaviours approaching water, walking on wet sand, and turning their backs to the sea without a safe distance, to avoid “being surprised by a wave”.

The entity, responsible for coordinating national activities to be carried out by the Navy and the General Directorate of the Maritime Authority, insists that at this time of year, the sea continues to represent “a high risk due to the effects of maritime unrest”.

The AMN also warns of the fact that “the overwhelming majority of Portuguese beaches” are still not being monitored, meaning that “the response to a relief situation may be delayed”.

“If you witness a dangerous situation in the water, do not enter and ask for help by calling 112”, the statement said.

The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) indicated that from Thursday temperatures would be “well above average for the time of year”, with maximums between 25 and 27 degrees, reaching 30 degrees in some areas.

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