The State Budget Proposal for 2024 (OE2024) foresees the end of the NHR regime, keeping it only accessible to people with income resulting from careers as higher education teachers and scientific research or from qualified jobs within the scope of benefits contractual to productive investment of the Investment Tax Code.

The solution recommended in OE2024, which generated strong opposition, especially from inspectors who considered it ineffective, was subject to a change, proposed by the PS, which was approved today, expands the scope of jobs that can benefit, for 10 years, from an IRS rate of 20%.

The proposal was approved with PCP and Bloco de Esquerda voting against and Chega, PSD and Livre abstaining.

This tax incentive for scientific research and innovation will be accessible to people who, having not been residents in Portugal in the previous five years, become tax residents here and occupy jobs "in entities certified as 'startups'" under the terms of the law.

At issue are companies that employ less than 250 workers, have an annual turnover that does not exceed 50 million euros and that have been operating for less than 10 years, have their headquarters or representation in Portugal or have at least 25 workers in the country and that , among other requirements, do not result from the split of a large company.

The tax regime will also cover "qualified jobs recognized by the Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal, E. P. E. or by IAPMEI - Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation, I.P. as relevant to the national economy, particularly in the context of attracting productive investment".

The socialist proposal also extends the regime to "jobs or other activities carried out by tax residents in the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira", under the terms that will be defined by regional legislative decree.

The 20% rate applies to income in categories A and B.

The discussion and voting on OE2024 in the specialty began on November 23rd and ends on the 29th, the date of the final global vote on OE2024.